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Boarding Up Medical Centre in London

The Brief:

Secure a very large medical centre in London with steel boarding and security fencing. The aim of this is to both act as a deterrent to squatters or to any one wanting to gain unlawful entry into the property, as well as preventing external and internal damage from vandals.

Boarded up medical facility

The Solution:

At the request of the insurance company that provide cover for the building, all of the entry points, including windows, were boarded up with steel. This steel is high grade, custom cut and fitted, and bolted into place to ensure that no weak points are present on the vacant property. The property also has a small car park to the side of the building, it was necessary to fence this off to stop illegal access and parking.

The Outcome:

4 men were assigned to the job, which took a total of 3 days to complete. Heras fencing was sufficient to securely block the car park, but a neighbor’s garden gate opened onto the car park, so it was necessary to leave sufficient room so that they can gain easy access to the garden (see picture).

Steel boarding up London
Steel boarding up London 2
Steel boarding up London

In the Future:

The client was very happy with the swift work that Safe Site Security Solutions carried out on the property and we would be more than happy to work with them again in future.

Client details:
Artic Building Services
0845 308 2300

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